Monday, August 11, 2014

Cheribundi 7 Day Challenge - Day 3: The day after Steelman

Day 3 of the challenge was a pretty good test for Cheribundi. After doing the Steelman Olympic Triathlon yesterday, setting an Olympic Distance PR thanks to a Top 10% OA bike split and then volunteering to help break down transition and all the bike racks, tents, fencing, etc, in the sun; I was pretty likely to have some aches and pains and inflamation to deal with today. I slept like a baby all night, and awoke in the morning to....nothing. No aching feet or knees. Other than the nasty blister on my hand from the mallet, I felt great.
I only had a lunch run planned today for a workout. I did a 5.43 mile run (River Road Loop) with about 300 ft of climbing. My legs were a bit heavy at first but they seemed to wake up by the end. Just a shakedown pace, but not too bad considering how hard I pushed it yesterday.

I had a visit with my Chiropractor, who is doing a 7 day detox/clense and was complaining a bit about that, but when we looked at what he can eat: Cherries and Apples were on the list, so I recommended he pick up some CheriBundi and Biotta Naturals Beet Juice at Giant. Plus came home and found my wife brought two big bottles of CheriBundi for herself

Starting to feel really good about Revolution 3 Maine!!

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